Tuesday 22 January 2013

Dexter End of Season 3

Dexter End of Season 3

What I love about this particular scene is the monologue of the character, he states 'Sure I'm still who  I was, who I am, question is what do I become? There's so many blanks left to fill in, but right now, at this moment, I'm content, maybe even happy, and I have to admit, when all is said and done, life is good.' This shows a complication in the character, uncertain of who the are and needing to explore, it shows a love for life and an excitement for the life ahead, its a quote most people can relate to and an emotion I want to be part of my film.

Monday 21 January 2013

American Beauty

American Beauty
 We were inspired to do a scene where Monica is lying on the floor with leaves gradually building up around her head. This image is supposed to be seductive and make you intrigued as to what the film was about. It is directed by Sam Mendes. The writing and cinematography is something else. Newman's icy sounds gave Mendes' portrayal of a dysfunctional American family its uneasy edge. This music is instantly recognisable, which is perhaps what makes it such as good soundtrack. This film made me realise how important the audio was for a film and so I will make sure the audio fits the visual and the timing is right. My favourite quote is from Buddy Kane 'In order to be successful, one must project an image of success at all times.' I think this quote is true because you only have to appear successful from other people's perspectives. 

Sunday 20 January 2013

David Olenick

David Olenick

With Valentine's Day around the corner it felt appropriate to post this.
This is David Olenick's Amourosaurus. I find this really funny.

Watchmen Opening Sequence

Watchmen Opening Sequence

Link for Watchmen Opening Sequence:

Watchmen was also directed by Zack Synder. who manages to tell a long story in a single opening credit sequence, including major moments in history such as the Kennedy assasination and the moon landing. This was the main reason I wanted to take an insight into this sequence, after I had decided what the story of my film was going to be I found similar attribrutes in some of Synder's work, mostly how he can tell long meaingfull stories with heart and emotion within minutes, and I will try and replicate this in my short film.

Monday 14 January 2013

Lana Del Rey-Ride Music Video

Lana Del Rey

Link for Lana Del Rey's Ride video:
I think this music video has a lot of similarities with my film, mainly the fact that the video has very few people other than Lana Del Rey herself in it. There are a lot of wide angle shots of landscape and also some close up and mid shots of Lana Del Rey, we used some similar shots in our film. 

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Man of Steel Trailer

Man of Steel Trailer

Link for the first man of steel trailer:
Link for the latest man of steel trailer: 

Superman presents himself as a some what tortured soul, and someone who is perhaps unhappy with their start in life, a lot like the character in our film. Synder and Nolan 'have repeatedly suggested their take on the story will attempt to bring Superman closer to reality' Child, B. (2012) 'Man of Steel Trailer', available at http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/filmblog/2012/dec/12/man-of-steel-trailer-superman, accessed on 14/01/12. Their is a greater focus on the character's backstory, this is so we have a greater understand of the character and also makes us empathize with the character due to his difficult childhood. The tone is totally different from the last superman movie 'Superman Returns' and focuses more on his childhood. From the trailer we see that he discovers his powers when he was young and even manages to save a bus from crashing into a river nearly risking his secret identity.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Deciding Our Film Story

Deciding Our Film Story

Originally I wanted to do a film within the Horror Comedy genre, taking inspiration from films like Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, but as a group we thought it would be tricky to create a successful film within this genre due to the drastic change of emotions which would be difficult to portray and we would need to use professional actors. Also the special effects would be hard to get right and no one in my group has any previous experience of special effects make up so we would have to find someone who could do this for us. We thought about making a sci-fi moive like The Twilight zone, but also thought this would be a difficult genre to get right as it would be hard to find the right location for it and would require a lot of different actors. A few people in my group had seen the film Into the Wild and really enjoy it, this led us to the idea of creating a film in this genre. We decided that it would be a much easier genre to film in and we could make a much more successful film. A film in this genre would only require one actor, I knew of locations near my house which I thought would be perfect, we would need few props. The only thing we had to be careful of was not making the film look cheesy. Monica and Shaila wrote the story which was approved by our group. Then we began filming.

Monday 7 January 2013

Nike Savvas Exhibition at the Leeds Art Gallery

Nike Savvas Exhibition at the Leeds Art Gallery

I visited Leeds Art Gallery and found this amazing exhibition, called Liberty and Anarchy normally sculpture and installation art isn't something I generally like. However I think the use of colour is fantastic.