Wednesday 27 February 2013

Book research task-Just my type

Book research task-Just my type

As part of my ppp tasks I have to research a book from the library and list the top 3 things I learnt and how this will help my self directed project progress.

Garfield explains the difference between legibilityand readability-the impact of size. Using the album cover The Beach Boys- Pet Sounds as his example. He states that 'at small sizes, Cooper Black is legible but not very readable,' Garfield, S. (2011) 'Just My Type', London: Profile Books. Legibility and readiblity are something I will bear in mind when making my typographic posters.

Garfield explains the notion of kerning, which is the science of spacing letters. 'The 'kern' is that part of a character that overhangs or underhangs its body and invades the space of the letter next to it' Garfield, S. (2011) 'Just My Type', London: Profile Books. Although tastes have changed and it now may be possible to create a workable typeface which has its letters resting against each other. This is something I will play about with.
Garfield also helps us understand a type's legacy is in its social impact. Garfield shows how the invention of the first mechanical printing press, which was the inception of type in the 1440s, directly resulted in a more learned world. He discusses how the use of  'a type consciously chosen to suggest forward thinking without frightening the horses,' Garfield, S. (2011) 'Just My Type', London: Profile Book, helped elect President Barack Obama. This font, called Gotham, was more sophisticated, more contemporary and more flexible than the team’s original choice, Gill Sans. Gotham is available in over 40 different varieties. Before Obama's typographic change campaigns would choose numerous typefaces, but choosing one font helped create an association between the font and the person thereby strengthening the campaign.

Monday 25 February 2013

Thalheim Exhibition at the Mercer

Thalheim Exhibition at the Mercer Gallery
Front Cover of the Exhibition Booklet
I visited the Mercer Art Gallery in Harrogate this week and saw a few exhibitions this one which I got the booklet of the exhibition was particularly unusual. The exhibition is titled Encasement.
This quote by Andrew Dalton from the Ryedale Folk Museum where she first started exhibiting this quote is taken from the exhibition catalogue sums up her work pretty well, 'Her approach deliberately combines seriousness and humour to highlight the conventional nature of our relationship to objects, materials and each other, and to explore the boundaries of these conventions.'

Her work stands out because of her limited colour scheme of black, white and red. Using readymade materials such as tubing, cable ties and rubber mats amongst other things. 

Here is a selection of some of the pieces which were in the exhibition. 

The image on the left is titled Black Chrysalis and the one on the right is part of Mr Boldwood's Cache.

Friday 22 February 2013

National Event: Comic Relief and Political Issue: HS2

National Event-Comic Relief

As part of my ppp blog I had to blog about a national event of political issue, I decided to blog about Damien Hirst giving his diamond skull a red nose. Red nose day itself will be on the 15th March, so get buying your red noses and t-shirts. Hirst has created and signed 50 limited edition prints specially for Comic Relief. They are lithographic prints. The prints will go on sale for £2,500 and will be portrait-sized. One of the prints called 'For the love of Comic Relief' will go on display at the Tate Gallery this weekend. This is the third time Hirst has collaborated with Comic Relief. The prints can be viewed online at Hirst said 'it’s good to be able to laugh at myself; if you don’t laugh you will cry and it’s good to bring humour into fundraising,' taken from accessed 22/02/13. This shows how Hirst is willing to have a bit of fun whilst raising a bit of money at the same time. Although I don't normally like Damien Hirst I admire what he's doing for charity.  

Other Criteria @ Damien Hirst and Science Ltd. All rights reserved, DACS 2013

Local Event: HS2

HS2 stands for High speed 2 and refers to the plans for a new high speed rail network stretching from Leeds to LondonPhase 1 will link London to the West Midlands via dedicated high speed services and  is expected to open in 2026. Phase 2 will extend high speed services to Manchester and Leeds and provide direct high speed services to a new Heathrow Airport station and is expected to open 2032-33. The trains will run at speeds of up to 225 mph with the potential to run at speeds of 250 mph. Although it is clear that the current rail network is in need of an update, this plan has attracted criticism from across the board. With a number of campaigners calling for it to be scrapped altogether. STOP HS2 has warned that the new rail line will cut through some of the most beautiful countryside and vibrant villages in England, it also claims that the HS2 proposals are seriously flawed from a business, economic and environmental viewpoint. However, the government remains convinced that HS2 is the way forward and is the most effective way to provide much-needed additional rail capacity across the country, whilst at the same time supporting economic growth, creating jobs and helping to reduce carbon emissions from the transport sector.

My Good Deed of the Week

My Good Deed of the Week

As part of my ppp blog I've been given a few tasks to do this week. Here's my first one. I had to do a good deed, only remembering about it after letting my flatmate in when he left his key at work, when I gave my reason for doing so I said I was doing my good deed of the week. To anybody reading this I give you the challenge of doing a good deed for someone else...and always remember your keys!!


Monday 18 February 2013

Emeli Sande

Emeli Sande

I saw this on emeli sande's facebook page, sadly I can't find out who illustrated this, but even so I think it is a simplistic illustration yet it still captures Emeli Sande perfectly. I think the use of white space works perfectly.

Les Miserables Costume Design

Les Miserables Costume Design

Paco Delgado designed the costumes for Les Miserables. Here are some of his designs.

This has to be one of my favourite films of all time. I'd recommend it to anyone. The costume design is particularly good and it is obvious a lot of time and effort have gone into designing and making them. Paco Delgado has been nominated for this costume design for an academy award, a BAFTA, a critic's choice award, a costume designers guild award, a phoenix critic society award, and a satellite award.