Monday 20 May 2013

Studio Airport

Studio Airport

‘Studio airport is a young design-agency founded by vincent de boer, maurits wouters and bram broerse. The studio is based in the sparkling neighbourhood lombok (utrecht, the netherlands). Everyday we’re working on inspiring projects for our clients, our focus is to contrive and create strong ideas into exclusive designs. We start each assignment with an open vision to see how we can get to the essence of the message. Together with the client we make the goals concrete and make clear decisions. This way we can get to work in a productive way.’ Studio Aiport [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20th May 2013]. I like the clean look of the posters. The type looks hand drawn but is still readable. I dislike the way the black box at the bottom right corner is placed over the white box because it distorts the natural perspective.

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