Wednesday 24 April 2013

Tea and Talk

Tea and Talk

Here are the main points that the 2nd Years mentioned
 Photo taken by Sharon 
  • Sometimes it can be good not knowing what you want to specialise in
  • Its sometimes better to do what you want and not to be led by someone else
  • Stay motivated by doing a brief which you know you will enjoy and that you have an interest in
  • The workload is more challenging in 2nd year. The first module is about learning a new skill. There is also a module where you complete live briefs. A lot of the students I asked if they'd done many briefs outside college (apart from the ones for the set module) said that they hadn't found the time or hadn't found briefs that appealed to them.
  • 2nd year is more challenging because you are worked much harder and your grades actually count towards your degree.
  • Most briefs are set my yourself.
  • Most second years got a job over summer and tried to find a placement, also being aware of any networking events going on. 
  • There are a few weeks where you can set up a placement, and also the live briefs module which lasts for 3 months gives you the opportunity to gain work experience. 
  • Make the most of tutors/technicians for the remainder of second year.
  • A student who practiced moving image, suggested I looked at making more than poster for my project but also business cards with link to my blog, and also look at making stickers (he pointed out putting stickers up around town could be considered illegal) I will take his advice on board. 

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